The sketchy and inconsistent blog of Bethie Engstrom...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bravery of the mind is a powerful thing

Medium: HB pencil

Just a quick sketch that I did for a friend. =)

  As I began to draw this, I was thinking about how nervous I am to be starting a class next month. I'm taking a watercoloring class that is both scary and exciting!

Wish me luck!

MUCH love to you all!


Molly said...

i love how you've captured her youth and whimsy. she is darling.

good luck with your watercolor class. i'm envious... i love watercolors but need to learn the techniques that make them so special.

Christine said...

beautiful sketch! not bad for a 'quick' job.

Gwen said...

Beautiful sketch full of personality...wishing you lots of will be fine!

Unknown said...

Beautiful sketch...have fun with the course... :)

Sabina said...

What Gwen said. And great movement in this piece. Hope you enjoy doing watercolors. Once I started a couple of years ago I couldn't stop.

Anonymous said...

I will wish you luck but you won't need it, you have so much talent , thisis beautiful, does she have moccasins on, I really like this, you can just feel the movement in it and she is so happy

carol l mckenna said...

She is delightful and magical and so well done ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy SS ^_^

Heather said...

i can feel the movement here!
nice sketch - happy sunday to you

Tracey FK said...

That hair is just magic and I think you ae really very good at creating a mood and capturing a moment... tough skills and you make it look effortless... happy SS xx

Hope said...

Thanks so much for drawing that for me!!! I hope you have fun with the watercloring class. =)