The sketchy and inconsistent blog of Bethie Engstrom...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Confessions of a scattered brain

Something I love... Summer mornings, the golden yellows and sparkling, silver dew

Something I dislike... Splinters, tiny ones, in my little toe.

Something that makes me giddy... Blindly walking through the dark house (I'm weird that way).

Something that makes me sad... Tripping on my (very old) sweet doggie in that dark hallway.

Something that terrifies me...swimming in lakes and oceans. I scare my self silly just imagining things. (I've very odd at times)

Something worthy of note... (*crickets sound*)

Something not... I stayed up very late last night reading this book titled The Trouble with Tulips... =P

Something done... Taught five-year-old sister how to trace the linoleum with a crayon and paper (yep - it was on my bucket list, between Skydiving and being kissed in the pouring rain)

Something in need... Writing to pen pals.

Something I want... this skirt =D

Something I need... Watercolor paper

Something I'm thankful for...

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