The sketchy and inconsistent blog of Bethie Engstrom...

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Medium: Watercolors (16x12)
First off, I just want to dedicate this post to the Artist behind it all at the Blue Chair Diary Illustrations. Much love and prayers Alexandra.

This is another something that I did in a class I'm taking at the local collage - lets just say it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. To prove it, here are my two demo's (aka epic failures) that I did at the beginning of class:
(sorry 'bout the dark lighting - I live in Seattle area!)

Here's the value picture I roughly based the painting after...

And then the close ups.

Thanks for coming by!


carol l mckenna said...

Lovely work ~ just beautiful ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Hope said...

Such a beautiful waterfall!!! Keep up the good work. =)

Wanda's Wings said...

It makes me want to set by a waterfalls.

Tracey FK said...

This is a great job... waterfalls are tough and I think your main one is great... thanks for sharing all of them with us...xx

Christine said...

beautiful waterfall!

WrightStuff said...

What a great job you did with this. Water is so hard to capture and you did it magnificently - the force is there and the soft mist that surrounds it too. Clever lass!

Unknown said...

Great job...I always find water really hard to paint... :)

Molly said...

you really captured the movement of the water... that's so difficult to do. really nice work. thanks for sharing!

Heather said...

i like the way it turned out - the water has movement. you did a good job creating that with color wash!

Denise G said...

I love them all..even your epic failures! Water is difficult to paint and watrecolors are also tricky ot master...but i love what you have done! Think positive and keep painting!

Victoria said...

So beautiful..peaceful and healing..gorgeous!

Sinderella's Studio said...

ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!! I have such trouble with value.
cheers. dana

Tam Hess said...

Wow, great job. Waterfalls are so tough! I've been practicing my rocks and are doing wonderful!

Lisa Richards said...

I like all of your versions! Watercolors are difficult and you're doing a great job. Keep it up!

Sabina said...

Excellent job on the waterfall and the surrounding greenery. It's deceptively simple--which is another way of saying, it's NOT simple to do!