The sketchy and inconsistent blog of Bethie Engstrom...

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Medium: H2 pencil

I've started to notice that my drawings lack action and movement (among other things) and I'm honestly done with that. So, this year is going to be a year of 'movement' and of sketching everyday (I'm going to try and have next week being a post everyday - sketch a day week... thoughts? Anyone else want to do it with me?). This is my first attempt at getting that "action" feel to it. I couldn't begin to say I'm getting there - because I don't feel like I'm am - I haven't even begun to touch at making a realistic human (or in the future - animal) being in movement - but I'm excited for the time when I will.

(Seriously - if anyone else wants to do a post a sketch-everyday with me please comment - I love group things=)


Hope said...


Alexandra MacVean said...

Good luck with this. I totally struggle in this area and probably why I'm much better at doing child-like or whimsical figures. :) Will be following your journey.

Anonymous said...

I think its a great idea, I would love too but right at the moment I'm experiencing technical difficulties,, (my eyes)
I just joined your blog so I can follow this adventure!!

Tammie Lee said...

oh, this is wonderful, i can feel the movement! I do try to draw every day, but i can not post every day.