The sketchy and inconsistent blog of Bethie Engstrom...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day: Three of Seven

Medium: 2H Pencil

I don't usually draw cats/pets. Or post them... But this was the only thing I was able to actually sketch today with trying to deep clean the whole house (stuck inside from the the snow - now it's all melting... drip... drip... drip). So, here it is!!! =)
Hope you all are having a good week - Be Outrageous.

 I would love some of your thoughts on my sketchings. I love feedback and would love to get to know you all better.
(Some of you will have noticed that I've changed my profile name from my nickname -Libby Libster- to Bethie... Hopefully that won't be too much of an confusion=)

1 comment:

Hope said...

How cute!! I love it, I have tried to draw cats but it does not work out.